Monday, August 8, 2011

Protect yourself from the FUD

Credit Rating downgrade, stock market crash, debt ceiling crisis, the tea party extremist, congress unable to act... what the f*ck is going?? I am so confused, CNN is telling me this but FoxNews is saying this. The end of the world is near... The government is running out of MONEY! China is going to OWN us! We must reduce our DEBT!

I then realized that I was woefully ignorant on how our government worked and how our flat monetary system operated. 

So I read the Wikipedia article on the US Government. I hate to say it but I learned so much from that article than all of my formal years of education combined...

I then stumbled across Warren Mosler's 2009 PDF "7 Deadly Innocent Frauds on US Economic Policy". After reading that I felt like I took the pill in the movie "Limitless". Everything was so clear now and this was written in 2009.

I am by no means an expert but I can now dimly see through all the hyped headlines and games people play. I listened to Donald Trump on FoxNews today and he is just saying things that are plain wrong. The RonPaul2012 viral ad campaign in Youtube? What fucking horeshit, they brazenly use public ignorance to create fear, doubt, and uncertainty, it's criminal! I suspect 90% of the comments in their videos are people from their own campaign. What an evil manipulative thing to do!


  1. I'm going to give that article a read now I think, what is the RonPaul2012 viral ad?

  2. The viral ad is really a joke to the people, but it is something serious that people should not accept.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I for one welcome our new Chinese Overlords. Just kidding, not really American =).

  5. Its always best to learn, it makes it harder for people to trick you.
    But unfortunately the more you learn the more you have to worry about.
    More knowledge more worry!

  6. Virtue preserved from fell destructions blast, Following!

  7. I hope the Canadian government isn't like this...

  8. Another reason why we should change the way we elect our officials.
